Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014


Subject - verb agreement is an agreement between a verb with the subject in number, namely: singular (singular) or plural (plural). The subject can be either a noun, pronoun, or other constructions acting as a noun, such as the gerund and the infinitive. Basically, the singular subject (single subject) uses a singular verb (singular verb), whereas the plural subject (plural subject) uses a plural verb (plural verb).

1. Singular Subject and Plural Subject.
   Subject pronoun singular subject is he, she, and it, or nouns that can be replaced with he, she, or it; While that is a singular verbs are verb1 + es / s, is / was, and verb phrases such as: is / was + verb-ing/verb3, has + verb3, has been verb-ing and has been verb3. The definition of the subject is plural subject pronouns such as I, we, you, they, and all plural nouns.
Example :
    a. Each magazine at the bookstore is interesting.
    b. They play football every Saturday and Sunday.

2. Either, Neither.
   When the sentence either / Neither followed by or / nor, the verb used can be singular or plural verb depending on the noun that follows or / nor (singular / plural noun). (either...or...) used to show a choice of two things. (neither...nor...) used to show that a negative statement is true of two things,
Example :
    a. Sam can't go and I can't either.
    b. Neither Ben nor his mother was invited.

3. No + ...
   None and no verb can be followed by a plural or singular, depending on the noun that follows none.
Example :
    a. No one is studying for exams.
    b. None of the students who come today.

4. Some of, a lot of, most of, a half of.
   Can be singular and plural depending on the noun.
Example :
    a. Most of the movies in the cinema are romantic.
    b. A lot of shoes in that store is on sale this month.

5. The number of, A number of.
   The number of: plural noun, verb singular. 
   A number of: plural noun, verb plural.
Example :
    a. The number of guests in attendance is 300 people.
    b. A number of students are absent today.

sumber :

1. The subject you will be studying in this course (is, are) listed in syllabus. 
2. The professor and the student (agree, agrees) on that point.

3. Almost every professor and student at the university (approves, approve) the choice of the new president.

4. Why (was, were) Yoko and Alex late for the meeting?

5. Some of fruit in this bowl (is, are) rotten.

6. Most of movies (is, are) funny.

7. Half of this money (is, are) yours.

8. A lot of clothing in those store (is, are) on sale this week.

9. The number of employees in my company (is, are) approximately ten thousand.

10. Why (was, were) some of the students excused from the examination? 

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